Monday, November 17, 2008

A Slice of Life

I was carving a turkey this weekend for our church dinner, and it reminded me of watching my father slice the meat. My father was a farmer, and spent most of his time outside, but when it was time to carve the meat, he was there in the kitchen.

My dad would don a dishcloth around his waist, take the carving knife and whetstone, and sharpen the blade. He’d slice the roast or turkey, then arrange the pieces attractively on the serving platter.

Meat has a “grain.” If you cook it for a long time, it falls apart along those grain lines and you get “shredded” meat. However, for the fine slices of meat, and the best flavor, you cut across the grain.

We each have things ingrained in us. We have strong inclinations from before birth. This inborn temperament determines how we interpret life, how we interact with others, and how we make choices. Left only to our basic nature, we would fall apart when the heat was turned up, and end up with shredded lives.

Fortunately, we also have training that slices across those inborn grains, and brings out the best in us. Childhood training will long be ingrained in us. As parents we are responsible to intentionally train our children in Godly ways (Proverbs 22:6.)

May your training bring out the best in you. God bless….

Millie McNabb, BA, BMus

Are you concerned that your children might miss, dismiss, or reject your Christian values?

Millie McNabb, founder of Christian Values Legacy, offers parenting seminars that focus on passing on your Christian values. Learn more at

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