Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Becoming Skillful

©Millie McNabb

All of our children were here with us this weekend. As they shared in conversation what was going on in their lives, it was apparent that each of them had favor at their workplace. Having skill in their work, gives them credibility with co-workers and opportunities to share their beliefs.

Passing on our Christian values includes preparing them to impact this world in practical ways. I remember my father asking a Sunday School gathering what they thought would be valuable to send to some third-world country. The children were suggesting Bibles and missionaries. He went on to show the impact of sending calves that over time improved the food source—a practical ministry.

In King David’s time, there was a great celebration when the ark was brought back to Jerusalem. “Chenaniah, chief of the Levites, was {in charge of} the singing; he gave instruction in singing because he was skillful.” (I Chronicles 15:22)

What opportunities have you had to glorify God because you were skillful?

God bless….

Millie McNabb, founder of Christian Values Legacy, offers parenting seminars that focus on passing on your Christian values. Request your free report “Considerations for Intentionally Raising Children to Become Christian Adults” today at http://www.christianvalueslegacy.com./

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