Wednesday, December 31, 2008

End of Year Reflections

One of my goals in life is to age gracefully. As I do a little “end of the year” reflection on this goal, I see in the mirror, that God is providing the aging; I choose graceful.

I had my youngest daughter when I was thirty-six. The first Sunday I took her to church, a visitor came up and admired my cute “grandchild.” It was probably good that I was exhausted. It gave me time to go from “stunned” to “gracious” without becoming offended.

When I was a teenager with long blonde hair, I read Proverbs 16:31, “Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life.” I was attracted to that concept and made a commitment at that time to not dye my hair, as well as live a righteous life. Over the years, I watched the “gray-headed” women at church gatherings, and appreciated their wisdom. When I was in my forties, God sent me a little test as my hair started to gray. In the course of one week, three people—my hairdresser, my husband, and my mother-in-law--independently asked me if I’d ever considered dying my hair. I kept to my youthful commitment and have never dyed my hair.

Gray hair does have its advantages in the “senior discount” area. I would tell the clerk that I didn’t qualify, and they’d be so embarrassed at their error, that they’d give me the discount anyway.

I was also inspired by Deuteronomy 34:7, “Although Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died, his eye was not dim, nor his vigor abated.” I do not believe that you have to be diseased, just because you are getting older. After much reading about being healthy, I came to the conclusion that I should not waste my time on changing philosophies, but rather rely on what the Bible says about how to eat.

One other goal I have for a fulfilling life is in Matthew 6:34, paraphrased, “Live each day for its own.” Although I do many things, my goal is to be present in each current situation. Many years ago I heard Zig Ziglar talk about people at work wishing they were home, and people at home thinking about their work, and he concluded, “they ain’t never nowhere.”

What are your life goals and what “end of year” reflections do you have?

God bless…

Millie McNabb, B.A., B.Mus.

Strategies and support for parents who are intentionally raising children to become Christian adults.

Is your greatest desire to have your children become gracious, mature, productive Christian adults?

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