Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Is Grace Here?

©Millie McNabb

We were at a women’s meeting when we learned that the facility had double-booked our room. One of my friends commented that we needed ‘grace.’ I replied that I didn’t think she was coming.

Grace is when we receive something good we don’t deserve, or when we extend to others a kindness they don’t deserve. (Mercy is when we don’t receive something bad that we do deserve.) II Peter 3:18a admonishes us to “…grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” Graciousness is one of the traits we teach our children.

We grow in grace. We start out crying and pouting anytime we don’t get our way. We learn to manage our anger. Like a fuse in an electrical current, we may be able to handle 5amps before we blow. We work our way through 15 and 20 amps, maybe 30 which are the normal household uses. As we move into church leadership, we need 60amps; community leadership, 200 amps or greater.

A church I attended in the past was having a ministry fair Sunday morning after the worship service. Presumably every ministry was to have a table. I was also on the worship team, and knew my time would be tight, so I went Saturday night, identified my table on their "map" and put out a tablecloth and decorations, but not my materials. The next morning when I arrived, everyone else was set up, and had completely taken over my space. I knew I would cry if I stayed there, so I went into a different room. One of the guys had seen me come in and realized what had happened. He made half a table available, came and got me, and helped me set up. Ironically, my ministry was "Growing in Maturity."

One thing that seems never to be in short supply is opportunities to grow in graciousness. It is those opportunities that help me accomplish my life goal to become a gracious, mature, productive Christian woman.

How’s your “grace fuse”?

God bless….

Millie McNabb--becoming a gracious, mature, productive Christian woman--founder of Christian Values Legacy, offers parenting seminars that focus on passing on your Christian values. Request your free report “Considerations for Intentionally Raising Children to Become Christian Adults” today at www.ChristianValuesLegacy.com.

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